Education above all: unlocking human development at Kakuma

Education above all: unlocking human development at Kakuma

“Anyone can become a refugee. This is not a choice we make.”– Aisha, 17 years old. Iterative Innovation For anyone who becomes a refugee, accessing education and a way to support oneself is always a priority. That’s why UNHCR and our Learn Lab...
Idea – free international curriculum for tablets

Idea – free international curriculum for tablets

Here I’m going to argue for what I believe is an unused potential from a free international curriculum. The content would include a mix of videos, audio and books and cover lessons from the whole primary and secondary school years. The potential then comes from the...
A life of dignity for all

A life of dignity for all

The global population has crossed 7 billion and children are amongst its largest yet most vulnerable stakeholders. Exploitation of young people affected by violence and strife has reached alarming proportions globally and policy makers need to take urgent stock of the...