Why innovation and technology aren’t the same.

Why innovation and technology aren’t the same.

Whenever we hear of the latest technology recently put on the market, or invented by brilliant scientists and techies, we immediately think of innovation. Even departments in companies or organizations usually pair the nomination innovation and technology, linking the...
Empowering refugees to create their own housing solutions

Empowering refugees to create their own housing solutions

Yusif Sidik’s vision of an efficient shelter program involves no sophisticated design, innovative material, or complex logistics. It’s about putting refugees in charge of the process, using locally-sourced materials. Sidik is a Senior Field Assistant in Ghana, working...
Building the creative confidence of young refugees

Building the creative confidence of young refugees

Months into her first placement with UNHCR in Uganda, Keiko Odashiro was hit by a crisis of conscience. After years spent at the helm of her own organization – an NGO working around human trafficking and gender-based violence – she had made the switch to the U.N....
5 lessons learned from rolling out joint innovative shelter projects

5 lessons learned from rolling out joint innovative shelter projects

This is an excerpt from UNHCR’s recently released report: Innovation at UNHCR 2014. This report highlights and showcases some of the innovative approaches the organization is taking to address complex refugee challenges. Through the Home Lab, UNHCR Innovation and the...
Lessons learnt from prototyping within an innovation team

Lessons learnt from prototyping within an innovation team

During my internship with UNHCR Innovation, I have the mission of prototyping a reporting tool to track the monthly progress of projects that are managed/facilitated within the team, as well as any points that require the attention of the team’s leadership. Although I...