Our Latest Articles
Modernizing Registration and Identity Management in UNHCR: Introducing PRIMES
UNHCR is launching PRIMES, a new and innovative ecosystem of interoperable tools and applications, to provide better access to opportunities and services for refugees and other forcibly displaced persons.
UNHCR launches mobile money in Niger
UNHCR in Niger launches a project providing access to cash via mobile phones to 2500 Malian refugee households.
Refugee camp AppFactory grooming software developers
An AppFactory established at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Dowa is developing information, communication and technology (ICT) skills for refugees, enabling them to become software developers.
ID2020 and UNHCR Host Joint Workshop on Digital Identity
ID2020 and UNHCR brought together representatives from government, public, and private sectors at the World Food Programme Accelerator in Munich to discuss digital identity opportunities for refugees.
Ethiopia rolls out new biometric system to enhance registration of refugees
The new system is another step forward for Ethiopia towards its commitment to deliver better protection and assistance to refugees.
Refugees in the Digital Age
Kelly Clements, Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees at UNHCR and Karl Steinacker, Deputy Director, Division of Programme Support and Management, offer their view on how this new era will bring innovative digital solutions for refugees.
Meeting refugees’ basic needs thanks to Cash Assistance in Greece
In 2017, the Greece Cash Alliance (GCA) is a partnership between UNHCR and five international NGOs, provided monthly cash assistance to more than 33,000 refugees and asylum-seekers.
3 things you need to know about blockchain
We asked Doug Greene, our Chief Information Officer, everything you ever wanted to know about blockchain and how it could affect the humanitarian world and UNHCR.
New World Bank-UNHCR joint data centre to improve global statistics on forced displacement
The World Bank Group UNHCR are joining forces to greatly improve statistics on refugees, other displaced people and host communities.
Internet boosts assistance & protection for people displaced by Boko Haram
Within the framework of the Refugee Coordination Model, RETS provides vital internet connectivity and security communications services…
Filippo Grandi: “Data is at the heart good decision-making”
On 12 December 2016, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, visited Diffa region in Niger
Opportunities in the New Digital Age
Many of the systems and processes used today for humanitarian purposes were designed decades ago, and these outdated tools and platforms are being rethought given recent advances in technology.