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RFQ_GRC_2024_008  “Provision of Conference Facilities Services in Orestiada for 6-day training and/or Alexandroupoli for 5-day training (Venue and Catering Services).”

RFQ_GRC_2024_008 “Provision of Conference Facilities Services in Orestiada for 6-day training and/or Alexandroupoli for 5-day training (Venue and Catering Services).”

RFP/GRC/2024/PSP-001 “For the establishment of frame agreement(s) for the provision of outbound and inbound Telemarketing Services for UNHCR Private Sector Partnerships in Greece and Cyprus”

RFP/GRC/2024/PSP-001 “For the establishment of frame agreement(s) for the provision of outbound and inbound Telemarketing Services for UNHCR Private Sector Partnerships in Greece and Cyprus”