UNHCR, Government of Netherlands and International Agencies Join Forces to Support Refugee and Host Communities in Jordan
Amman, 25 November, 2020 – The Netherlands marked the Prospects Partnership in Jordan today, together with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation of Jordan, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the...
Communities grow stronger together in the face of COVID19
UNHCR’s Community Support Committees run by refugee and Jordanian volunteers help local communities in Southern Jordan to deal with the impact of the crisis
30 Refugees Receive DAFI Scholarships in Jordan
Bathoul AlMousa is among the refugees who will be starting university this semester after achieving 100 percent in her high school exams
Desperate mother finds help in Jordan for stateless daughter
Beset by financial hardship and lack of official documents, UNHCR and partner offer hope to Sri Lankan mother Siryana of end to daughter Rania’s statelessness plight.
Jordanian Scientist wins UNHCR Nansen Middle East and North Africa Award
Dr Rana Dajani, a Jordanian scientist and founder of local organization ‘We Love Reading’ has been named as this year’s UNHCR Nansen Award Winner for the Middle East and North Africa as a result of her efforts in encouraging both refugee and Jordanian children to read...
UN refugee chief concludes Jordan visit with call for solidarity amid COVID crisis
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, continues to ramp up measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among Jordan’s refugee population and is seeking to mobilize additional resources for the country’s overall pandemic response