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Forcibly displaced people

The summary statistics presented below show all forcibly displaced people. This includes refugees under UNHCR’s mandate as well as Palestine refugees under the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)’s mandate, asylum-seekers, other people in need of international protection and internally displaced people (IDPs, as reported by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre).* The summaries can be filtered by UNHCR regions, countries and population types. The figures on this page are based on data reported by governments, non-governmental organizations and UNHCR.


forcibly displaced people


compared to previous year


countries of origin

By origin

By asylum

* UNRWA estimates that 70 percent of the 1.7 million IDPs in the Gaza Strip at end-2023 were Palestine refugees under its mandate. These internally displaced refugees under UNRWA’s mandate are only counted once in this page. As a result, the number of internally displaced people in Palestine as of end-2023 in this page is different from the number reported by IDMC in the State of Palestine.