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Press Releases

UNHCR announces push to end statelessness worldwide by end-2024

UNHCR is today launching a global “I Belong” campaign aimed at ending within 10 years the problem of statelessness – a devastating legal limbo for the millions of people worldwide who lack any nationality and the human rights protections that go with...

Delivery of First Housing Solutions within Regional Housing Programme

Delivery of First Housing Solutions within Regional Housing Programme

The contracts with representatives from 9 municipalities and towns were signed today in Stara Pazova. Within the second RHP Serbia sub-project, 200 apartments for refugees will be built in Šid, Sremska Mitrovica, Šabac, Kruševac, Prokuplje, Paraćin, Kikinda, Bajina...

Joint Press Release

Public urged to voice their outrage and demand action to prevent a lost generation in Syria   Children cannot afford another year of bloodshed, suffering and missed education, warn aid agencies   UNICEF, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), Mercy...