Our Latest Articles
Better statistics to help end statelessness
Better data on stateless populations is essential if UNHCR is to achieve the goal set to end statelessness by 2024. The newly established ‘Expert Group on Statistics on Statelessness’ is currently working on a set of recommendations to help improve the official statistics.
The importance of digital identity in humanitarian contexts
Listen to UNHCR’s Nicholas Oakeshott, in conversation with the GSMA’s Yiannis Theodorou on how digital identity for refugees can unlock opportunities and help to deliver vital humanitarian assistance.
How digital identity can enable the Global Compact on Refugees
The Government of Estonia, Kiva and ID2020 make pledges at the first Global Refugee Forum to help ensure that refugees have a good digital identity that protects and empowers them, helping to realise the goals of the Global Compact.
UNHCR launches new Data Transformation Strategy
The Strategy provides UNHCR’s vision, priorities, and key actions in order to enhance strategic and responsible use of timely, quality data to further strengthen UNHCR’s role as a data-driven organization and a center of excellence for refugee, statelessness and forced displacement data.
Including forced displacement in the SDGs: a new refugee indicator
UNHCR joined forces with the Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS) to advocate for the inclusion of a new game-changing indicator on refugees in the SDGs, and won!
What is the promise of mobile money for refugees in Jordan?
UNHCR talks with the Government of Jordan and the telecommunications industry to advocate for full inclusion of refugees into mobile wallet opportunities.
Using open data to drive evidence-based responses to support refugees and their hosts
Following the inauguration of the new UNHCR – World Bank Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement, Björn Gillsäter shares some reflections on the importance of data to improve the lives of forcibly displaced and their host communities.
A new tool to facilitate registration and refugee case management in Cameroon
In March 2019, UNHCR staff in Cameroon were trained on how to use proGres v4, the latest iteration of UNHCR’s registration and case management software application, improving their day-to-day work.
“UNHCR Box”: When access to Culture doesn’t have to depend on Internet Connectivity
A new and innovative offline Digital Library was installed in Sayam Forage refugee camp in Niger, to provide access to numerous cultural resources for the youth.
New off-line tool steps up registration activities in Brazil
In Pintolandia Shelter in Boa Vista, Brazil, UNHCR is testing RApp a new tool to improve the registration process and provide a better protection and assistance to refugees.
In Angola, PRIMES new anti-fraud features improves the registration process
To face registration challenges in Angola, UNHCR is using the new anti-fraud features offered by its Population Registration and Identity Management EcoSystem (PRIMES).
UNHCR launches the first Global Virtual Summit on Digital Identity for Refugees
In partnership with the Government of Canada, UNHCR has launched the first Global Virtual Summit on Digital Identity for Refugees.