The most vulnerable among the refugees are female-headed households and women and girls with disabilities. During violent conflicts and displacement, social structures are disrupted, and many women are forced to flee to new and unfamiliar places. Women who head their households alone, in exile, face a particularly difficult challenge.

The Arab Strategy for the Prevention and Response to All Forms of Violence in Asylum Context, especially Sexual Violence against Women and Girls was drafted in implementation of the recommendation of the 36th Session of the Arab Women Committee, and stipulates: “To request the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, to draft the Arab strategy on preventing and protecting women from all forms of violence and sexual violence in asylum context, and circulate it to Member States for their comments before submission to the League Council at its Ministerial Level”.

The Strategy outlines the key strategic priorities to be undertaken by Arab Countries to protect refugees against Sexual and Gender-Base Violence (SGBV). It includes adoption and enforcement of key laws and policies, prevention of SGBV and survivor-centered multi-sectoral services to be provided by national governmental and civil society actors. The strategy builds on existing laws, policies and services in the region and details key recommendations to strengthen national SGBV prevention and response systems to better protect refugees against SGBV in line with relevant international laws and standards.

The “Arab Strategy on Prevention and Response to Combat All Forms of Violence in Asylum Context Especially Sexual Violence against Women and Girls” and its annexed plan of action were adopted by the Foreign Affairs Council, at its Ordinary Session (155th), (Resolution 8636- O.S. (155) – C2- 3/3/2021) dated 3 March 2021.

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The Arab Strategy for the Prevention and Response to Combat All Forms of Violence in Asylum Context Especially Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls