UNHCR Ghana works with the government of Ghana and Partners to ensure protection and finding solutions for over 13,000 refugees and asylum seekers who find themselves in Ghana.

The Representation does this by ensuring the basic human rights of refugees and asylum seekers in Ghana are protected and that they will not be returned involuntarily to a country where they could face persecution.

Longer term, the organization helps refugees find appropriate durable solutions to their plight, by supporting their voluntary return to their homeland, integrating in countries of asylum or resettling in third countries.


Registration is one of the most fundamental ways that refugees are protected by ensuring their details are well documented and their identity is known. This enables partners and agencies providing services to refugees to know how many people need help and allows refugees to access those services. It is also a tool for planning.

In Ghana, UNHCR registration includes the capture of refugee biodata, photos and fingerprints. Registration is crucial for identifying those individuals who are at risk or have special needs. It also helps protect refugees against refoulement (forced return), arbitrary arrest and detention.

Registering children helps in protection monitoring and may prevent forced recruitment and child exploitation. In addition, registration is key for helping keep families together, and assists UNHCR and partners in reuniting separated children with their families.