ExCom plenary sessions
ExCom plenary sessions

© UNHCR/Jean-Marc Ferré
At its annual session, the Executive Committee (ExCom) reviews the work of the Standing Committee of the preceding year and establishes its programme of work for the next 12 months.
It examines UNHCR’s financial requirements for the coming year and approves the annual programme target. ExCom also adopts conclusions, notably on international protection, as well as decisions on a range of administrative, financial and procedural issues.
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Executive Committee Bureau
The Executive Committee Bureau comprises four office holders: the Chairperson, two Vice-Chairpersons and the Rapporteur representing the four United Nations regional groups. The Bureau is elected at the end of the annual plenary session in October.
Current officers
- H.E. Ms. Kadra AHMED HASSAN (Djibouti)
- H.E. Ms. Katharina STASCH (Germany)
- H.E. Mr. Emilio Rafael IZQUIERDO MIÑO (Ecuador)
- Mr. Sumair GUL (Pakistan), Rapporteur
- Ms. Anne KEAH, Secretary
ExCom documentation (1990-2021)
Consult the online collection of ExCom documents from 41st to 72nd session:
Executive Committee members
ExCom currently consists of 107 members.