Brazilian solidarity with displaced Bolivians in Amazonia
Brazilian solidarity with displaced Bolivians in Amazonia

BRASILÉIA, Brazil, October 14 (UNHCR) - Almost 600 Bolivians have crossed into the north-west Brazilian state of Acre over the past few weeks to escape political uncertainty and violence in their country linked to planned constitutional amendments.
According to official figures, some 570 Bolivians have arrived in Brazil. Most are living in the border towns of Brasiléia and Epitaciolândia in this Amazon Basin region and receiving assistance from the government. Some have found shelter with friends and relatives in Brazil.
To date, 73 of the Bolivians have presented applications for asylum to Brazil's National Refugee Committee. The UN refugee agency is working closely with the authorities at local, state and national levels on this issue while providing information and counselling to those in need of protection.
Javier López-Cifuentes, UNHCR's representative in Brazil, said the assistance provided by the authorities was in line with international standards of humanitarian assistance. "The situation in Brazil and Bolivia is being monitored and UNHCR is ready to assist and lead a UN inter-agency effort, if necessary."
The Bolivians began fleeing to Brazil in September, when President Evo Morales' plan to hold a referendum on a new constitution sparked clashes in the northern department of Pando, which neighbours Acre. The violence left some 30 people dead and martial law was imposed in Pando. About 160 Brazilians also fled across the border to escape the violence, according to official figures.
The new constitution would give greater power to Bolivia's majority indigenous people, set a limit on large landholdings and give the central government more control over the economy and resources.
Some of the Bolivians sheltering in Brasiléia said they opposed the government plans and supported opposition calls for autonomy in their regions. They also said they were not ready to return home.
UNHCR and the Brazilian authorities have been informing the displaced Bolivians about Brazil's policies on asylum and migration. Brazil, as a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol, guarantees the new arrivals shelter and access to refugee status determination (RSD) procedures.
"The position of Brazil is to give you shelter and protection, without intervening in Bolivia's internal issues. You can count on the protection of Brazil," Defence Minister Nelson Jobim told them during a visit to Brasiléia in early September.
About 100 of the Bolivians in Brasiléia are being accommodated in a sports hall made available by the municipality. The state authorities are providing daily meals and health care, while the federal government provides security.
But the authorities worry that there will be problems if a durable solution cannot be found soon. "We are running out of financial resources," said José Alvani Lopes, a representative of the Acre state government. He noted that they had to pay for food, health care and education for children. "Another influx of Bolivians may certainly hamper our capacity to look after newcomers," he added.
Brazil hosts around 3,800 refugees from more than 70 countries. It is also one of the few countries in the world to accept refugees for resettlement, including Colombians and Palestinians.
By Luiz Fernando Godinho in Brasiléia, Brazil