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Kosovo: more than 3,200 minority people displaced

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Kosovo: more than 3,200 minority people displaced

23 March 2004

The recent violence in Kosovo led to the displacement of more than 3,200 minority people - mainly Serbs and some Roma - who are now accommodated in safer areas within the province after being evacuated from their villages by the NATO-led Kosovo Force. This represents almost 10 percent of the minority population of the predominantly ethnic Albanian southern portion of Kosovo. Some of the newly displaced have since gone back to their villages as the overall situation calmed down. However, many remain displaced and unable to go back. During the rampage, 286 houses were burned down and another 80 were damaged. Angry crowds also burned down 30 churches while 11 churches and monasteries were damaged.

UNHCR has distributed 746 mattresses, 1,098 blankets, and 200 jerry cans, as well as food and hygienic items to those now living with host families and those evacuated to KFOR bases.

We will make every effort to help those newly displaced to go back to their homes. Despite the recent violence, which represented a huge setback for UNHCR's work in Kosovo, we will continue to support confidence-building projects to enable at least some of the displaced Kosovo minorities to go back.