News comment: Statement on U.S. emergency presidential determination on refugee admissions
News comment: Statement on U.S. emergency presidential determination on refugee admissions

While UNHCR is disappointed that the United States has not yet been able to move beyond the historically low admissions target of 15,000 for the current fiscal year, we welcome the decision announced today to broaden geographic categories for its refugee admissions. We are also encouraged by the announcement of a planned increase, to be formalized by 15 May, in the number of refugees who will be given the chance this year to begin rebuilding their lives in safety and dignity in the United States. Refugee resettlement saves lives.
At a time of record forced displacement, when global resettlement needs far surpass places available, UNHCR is grateful that the United States is taking urgently needed steps to restore and expand its refugee admissions program and to make more places available for the vulnerable refugees whose lives depend on them. We strongly support the United States in its commitment to a robust increase in refugee admissions next year and stand ready to support the work along the way to realizing this important and necessary humanitarian goal.
For more information, please contact:
In Washington, Chris Boian, [email protected], +1 202 243 7634