High Commissioner’s opening statement to the Cartagena+40 Process Ministerial Event
High Commissioner’s opening statement to the Cartagena+40 Process Ministerial Event

Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, giving the opening statement at the Cartagena+40 Process Ministerial Event.
[Delivered in Spanish]
Distinguished Delegates,
Dear colleagues and friends,
We live in a world where multilateralism has had little success, as the international community seems to be increasingly unable to resolve and prevent conflicts. We live in a world where mixed movements of refugees and migrants have reached unimaginable levels (often, under catastrophic circumstances). Reaching agreements that positively and significantly change the course of history has become difficult. Usually, we lose hope. Therefore, it is a pleasure – and an honor – to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the historic 1984 Cartagena Declaration on Refugees and to celebrate with you the Cartagena Process.
I commend the Government of Chile for its leadership and warm welcome. I also want to thank the Governments of Brazil, Colombia and Mexico for having taken part in the Cartagena+40 consultations. Additionally, I appreciate all other countries, as well as the representatives of refugees and displaced people and other actors, having been involved in the design and construction of this new milestone. These efforts are concrete evidence of inclusion, in line with the principles of solidarity and shared responsibility, as well as an innovative and effective way to strengthen the implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees.
I also want to thank ECLAC for welcoming us in this historic room, which reflects the spirit of closeness that prevails in the region.
Throughout the Cartagena+40 Process, you have proven the power of dialog and honest reflection. This should not be underestimated! Although our contexts, experiences, and opinions may differ, when received with a spirit of unity and if guided towards everyone’s best interest, we can find common denominators and turn them into cooperation between individuals and nations.
As set forth in the Cartagena Declaration, “many of the legal and humanitarian problems relating to refugees which have arisen in the [...] region [...] can only be tackled in the light of the necessary coordination and harmonization of universal and regional systems and national efforts.” The Spirit of Cartagena, which was born 40 years ago, is still in force, based on a deeply-rooted tradition of peace, asylum and protection that has characterized Latin America and the Caribbean throughout its history.
By proposing responses to the most pressing challenges currently faced – and likely to be faced over the next decade – by the region and the world at large, Cartagena+40 remains loyal to the innovative, apolitical, and humanitarian nature of this Spirit.
You have found concrete answers to the complexity of large scale movements considering the risks faced in countries of origin, transit, destination, and return in a coordinated and comprehensive way. Based on a protection approach, many of these initiatives are likely to foster stabilization within host countries. Together, we may implement both the Global Compact on Refugees and the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (an instrument coordinated by the International Organization for Migration, our sister agency), which complement one another.
Acknowledging the (evident) contributions made by refugees, displaced and stateless people to the development of host countries and communities we have confirmed the importance of inclusion and, wherever possible, integration. It pleases me to see, for example, that the private sector is increasingly engaged in our advocacy efforts in protection, integration, and attention to host communities – by promoting employment opportunities and getting involved in the right to work and access to documentation.
Lastly, the fact that climate change and disaster-induced displacement have been addressed is quite encouraging, as it is one of the greatest challenges of our time because of its consequences and because of the difficulties encountered to jointly tackle them. Latin America and the Caribbean are paving the way to explore protection responses to internal and cross-border displacement.
UNHCR is and will remain deeply committed to supporting this link, as well as the implementation and monitoring of the actions that have been agreed upon over the next decade. Once again, I call upon all stakeholders – each and every one of them – to continue supporting these initiatives.
Only through joint and concrete actions will we be able to uphold and comply with the principle and strategies of shared responsibility on a global and regional level.
Together we may not only develop an honest narrative that fights against discrimination and xenophobia, but also build a fairer reality for us all.
May this event that has brought us together combine and amplify the voices heard at Cartagena+40 in an ensemble of solidarity, commitment, and cooperation. Together, we may reflect and move forward. Together, we may bring hope to the people in need and to the world as a whole.
Muchas gracias. Obrigado. Merci. Grazie. Thank You!