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Annotated Agenda (submitted by the High Commissioner)

Executive Committee Meetings

Annotated Agenda (submitted by the High Commissioner)

18 August 1995

1. Adoption of the agenda

2. Report on the work of the inter-sessional meetings of the Sub-Committee, including the adoption of the draft report of the 20 June 1995 Meeting

The Chairman of the Sub-Committee will make an oral report on the work of the inter-sessional meetings. The Sub-Committee will have before it the reports of its 16 January 1995 and 4 April 1995 meetings (EC/SC.2/72, EC/SC.2/73 respectively), as well as the Report on the Informal Consultations on Budgetary Questions - Conclusions and Related Documentation (EC/SC.2/75) adopted by the 20 June meeting. In addition, the Sub-Committee will be invited to adopt the draft report of its 20 June 1994 meeting (EC/1995/SC.2/CRP.25).

3. Update on programmes and funding

The Sub-Committee will consider the following documents: Update on Programmes and Funding (A/AC.96/845/Part I/Add.1); Proposal to Create a Post of Assistant High Commissioner (Policy, Planning and Operations) (A/AC.96/846/Part VII/Add.1); and Education Account (EC/SC.2/81).

Also of relevance to the discussion under this item is the following documentation for the plenary of the forty-sixth session of the Executive Committee: A/AC.96/846 (UNHCR Programmes: Part I, Africa; Part II, Asia and Oceania; Part III, Europe; Part IV, Americas and the Caribbean; Part V, South West Asia, North Africa and the Middle East; Part VI, Other Programmes; and Part VII, Headquarters); A/AC.96/845 (Overview of UNHCR Activities: Part I, Consolidated Programmatic, Budgetary and Financial Information; Part II, Field and Headquarters: Programmatic, Budgetary and Financial Information; and Part III, Background Information on Humanitarian Assistance Policy, Programmes, Administrative and Financial Matters); A/AC.96/854 (UNHCR Activities Financed from Voluntary Funds: Report for 1994-1995 and Proposed Budget for 1996 - Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions); A/AC.96/849 (Report on the Status of Contributions to UNHCR Voluntary Funds as of 31 May 1995).

4. Programme Policy Issues

The Sub-Committee will consider a number of programme policy issues, which will be taken up in the following two clusters:

A. (i) Refugee Women

The Sub-Committee will have before it EC/SC.2/77 (Refugee Women: the Achievements and the Challenges).

(ii) Refugee Children

The Sub-Committee will consider EC/SC.2/78 (Implementation of UNHCR's Policy and Guidelines on Refugee Children)

(iii) Refugee Health

The Sub-Committee will consider EC/SC.2/CRP.29 (Refugee Health)

B. (i) Refugees and the environment

The Sub-Committee will have before it EC/SC.2/79 (Progress Report on the Guidelines on Refugees and the Environment).

(ii) Emergency Response

The Sub-Committee will have before it conference room paper EC/1995/SC.2/CRP.28 (Information Note on Emergency Preparedness and Response).

5. Administrative, financial and human resources issues

(a) Voluntary Funds accounts for the year 1994 and Report of the Board of Auditors thereon

The Sub-Committee will have before it the following documents to facilitate its consideration of this item: A/AC.96/848 (Voluntary Funds administered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: Accounts for the year 1994); A/AC.96/853 (Report of the Board of Auditors to the General Assembly on the Accounts of the Voluntary Funds Administered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for the Year ended 31 December 1994); and A/AC.96/853/Add.1 (Report of the Advisory Committee for Administrative and Budgetary Questions to the General Assembly at its 50th Session (extract)).

(b) Human Resources Management

The Sub-Committee will have before it a Progress Report on UNHCR's Career Management System (EC/1995/SC.2/CRP.26).

(c) Implementing partners

The Sub-Committee will consider EC/1995/SC.2/CRP.27 (UNHCR and its Implementing Partners)

6. Executive Committee Working Methods

Under this item, the Sub-Committee will consider the Report of the Working Group on Executive Committee Working Methods (EC/SC.2/76) with a view to transmitting recommendations to the plenary for adoption. It will also have before it a Note on the Introduction of Russian as an Official Language of the Executive Committee (EC/SC.2/80).

7. Any other business

8. Adoption of the draft report of the Sub-Committee on Administrative and Financial Matters to the Executive Committee