Enhancement of the evaluation work programme in UNHCR: Addendum 1-1999 provisional evaluation work programme
Enhancement of the evaluation work programme in UNHCR: Addendum 1-1999 provisional evaluation work programme
1. In November 1998, an external consultant contracted by UNHCR, completed a review of the UNHCR evaluation function. The report produced conclusions and recommendations on a variety of issues, including: evaluation strategy, methodology, structure, staffing, training and resource requirements. One of the main recommendations called for a closer link between the central evaluation and policy analysis functions. This recommendation was taken into account during the recent restructuring exercise and, as a consequence, the evaluation function will now be placed within a new unit called "Evaluation and Policy Analysis", under the supervision of the Assistant High Commissioner.
2. It is anticipated that the provisional work programme will be modified in the first semester of 1999 to take into account the Unit's new policy analysis component. Other recommendations made by the enhancement review are also expected to bring about changes in the work programme. In particular, the review's proposal to develop a long-term strategy to guide evaluations will lead to some changes in the work carried out.
3. The following provisional evaluation work programme has nevertheless been endorsed by the Senior Management Committee (SMC), in order to allow some work to proceed early in the year:
Operational Activities
(a) Survey of UNHCR's experience in monitoring the protection of returnees in their country of origin.
(b) Review of efforts to carry out refugee status determination in large scale influxes: approach and lessons.
(c) Review of coordination with human rights observers and monitoring efforts.
(d) Review of efforts to assess reintegration: an analysis of the measurement and critical points for action.
External Affairs
(e) Survey of attempts to utilize and strengthen local non-governmental organizations.
(f) Review of non-staff training.
4. In addition, the SMC requested the Inspection and Evaluation Service to consider carrying out a review of some change management initiatives, such as the Career Management System, when these initiatives are sufficiently advanced.