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Executive Committee Meetings

No. 7 (XXVIII) - 1977

12 October 1977
Executive Committee 28th session. Contained in United Nations General Assembly Document No. 12A (A/32/12/Add.1). Conclusion endorsed by the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme upon the recommendation of the Sub-Committee of the Whole on International Protection of Refugees.

The Executive Committee,

(a) Recognized that, according to the 1951 Convention, refugees lawfully in the territory of a Contracting State are generally protected against expulsion and that in accordance with Article 32 of the Convention expulsion of a refugee is only permitted in exceptional circumstances;

(b) Recognized that a measure of expulsion may have very serious consequences for a refugee and his immediate family members residing with him;

(c) Recommended that, in line with Article 32 of the 1951 Convention, expulsion measures against a refugee should only be taken in very exceptional cases and after due consideration of all the circumstances, including the possibility for the refugee to be admitted to a country other than his country of origin;

(d) Recommended that, in cases where the implementation of an expulsion measure is impracticable, States should consider giving refugee delinquents the same treatment as national delinquents and that States examine the possibility of elaborating an international instrument giving effect to this principle;

(e) Recommended that an expulsion order should only be combined with custody or detention if absolutely necessary for reasons of national security or public order and that such custody or detention should not be unduly prolonged.