National Activity Plan 2006: Ecuador
National Activity Plan 2006: Ecuador
20 June 2006
- On 16 June, a cultural fair for refugees will take place in Quito at the "Comité Pro Refugiados" There will be activities for children, music and food at the premises of this organization which has been UNHCR's partner for 30 years in Ecuador.
- On 17-18 June, the "IV Colombian-Ecuadorian cultural and exchange fair" for World Refugee Day will take place in the Itchimbía Park in Quito. More than 10,000 people are expected to attend this fair where 150 artists, including refugees will display their products and share their culture and traditions. There will be a concert both days with music groups from Ecuador and Colombia.
- On 19 June, two schools from Quito that receive refugees in their classrooms will have the chance to play a soccer match in "La Bombonrita", the best indoor soccer stadium of the city.
- On 20 June, in the city of Ibarra, refugees will paint a mural in a wall provided by the city administration. It will be a permanent mark of the city's solidarity towards refugees. The Mayor and other local authorities will be present for the inauguration of the mural.
- On 20 June, In Lago Agrio, UNHCR's field office will organize an impressive cultural and trade fair where refugees and Ecuadorians will be able to play sports and share their traditional music and foods.
- On 20 June, a 8 page supplement will circulate with EL COMERCIO. It will contain basic information about refugees in Ecuador and around the world, statistics, testimonies, images and more. It will be read by more than 450,000 people nationwide.
- On 23 June, in Ibarra, refugees, local organizations and UNHCR will hold a parade that will circulate around the main avenues of the city in order to create awareness and to invite the inhabitants of this Andean city to the concert that will take place that night at a central plaza. This will be the closing event for World refugee Day in Ecuador.
- Throughout the month of June, 40,000 postcards with information regarding World Refugee Day will be distributed by PROMOCARD, a postcard marketing company, in more than 100 distribution points in Quito, including universities, airports, shopping centres and more nationwide.