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World Refugee Day 2004 National Activity Plan: Angola

World Refugee Day 2004 National Activity Plan: Angola

20 June 2004


On 20 June, a TV spot on refugee issues will be broadcast, and refugees and returnees will be interviewed on national radio in Luanda.

A debate on the refugee/returnee situation will be broadcast on the Catholic Church-owned radio station. A TV show, "Janela Aberta", will dedicate two hours to discussing refugee/returnee issues, including a presentation on the repatriation of Angolan refugees. There will also be a photo exhibition.

In Cuando Cubango province, there will be a radio presentation and conference on repatriation. An exhibition of arts and crafts by returnees will run from 14-20 June. There will also be a concert and theatre plays on the theme of return to Angola.

In Moxico's Kautepwe camp, refugee and returnee women will perform traditional dances, drama shows and poetry recital on the theme of returning home. There will also be a football match.