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UNHCR recommendations as France takes up EU Presidency

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UNHCR recommendations as France takes up EU Presidency

1 July 2008

Today, 1 July, France takes up the rotating EU Presidency for a six-month period. In its recommendations to France for this Presidency, UNHCR hopes in particular that France will take the lead in making sure that migration management measures are not at the expense of refugee protection. UNHCR also urges France to take forward the discussion of refugee resettlement at EU level, with a view to engaging more member states in resettlement and making more resettlement places available in the European Union.

The UNHCR recommendations to France for its Presidency - entitled "Building a Europe of asylum" - contain 11 recommendations for safeguarding the rights of asylum-seekers and refugees in the broader migration context, developing the Common European Asylum System, securing durable solutions for refugees, and demonstrating solidarity with countries outside the EU in respect of refugee protection.