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Information note on income and expenditure for the year 1995

Executive Committee Meetings

Information note on income and expenditure for the year 1995

18 March 1996

18 March 1996
2nd Meeting

1. The annual accounts for Voluntary Funds administered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for the year 1995 will be issued formally after completion of the audit and as part of the documentation for the forty-seventh session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme.

2. Nonetheless, for the purposes of informing members of the Standing Committee in a timely fashion of the final, unaudited results of the 1995 financial exercise, attached is a consolidated Income and Expenditure Statement for 1995 for General and Special Programmes, covering all sources of funds (see Annex I, which is Statement 1 of the Annual Accounts).

3. As shown in Annex I, total income received in 1995 under all sources of funds, was $1,033,979,000. Obligations entered into totalled $1,142,940,884, hence a shortfall of $108,961,884 for the year. Adjustments of $32,826,226 to prior period contributions increased the shortfall to $141,788,110. This shortfall was covered by the cancellation of obligations of $95,175,685 from prior periods, adjustments to prior period expenditure of $24,576,574 and the total funds brought forward from 1994 in the amount of $368,276,748 leaving a total positive carry over of $346,240,897 at year-end, as compared to $363,871,929 for 1994. The net carry over from 1995 to meet programme expenditure in 1996, is $51,762,594 for General Programmes, $238,310,679 for Special Programmes and $668,747 for the Refugee Education Account. The Working Capital and Guarantee Fund carry over is $50,000,000 and Other accounts $5,498,877.

4. Attached as Annex II is an advance copy of Schedule 3 (page 37) of the Annual Accounts for 1995, which provides details of expenditure under the Emergency Fund. Annex III lists allocations made from the 1995 Programme Reserve during the period 1 June 1995 to 31 December 1995. The use of the General Allocation for Voluntary Repatriation is set out in detail in Annex IV.

5. During 1995, the Working Capital and Guarantee Fund continued to serve its "guarantee" role; the High Commissioner did not need to have recourse to it to meet any cash-flow problems.

(Note: Tabular Annexes I-IV not included in this online version. See your nearest UN Depository Library.)