Lesson plans for ages 9-11 in Language & Literature: Refugee Children Recount their Experiences
Teaching and training materials
Lesson plans for ages 9-11 in Language & Literature: Refugee Children Recount their Experiences
20 February 2007

'I hope that other children enjoy our stories. Sometimes I think that people think we don't laugh, we don't play.' Of course we do! Painting by Yel Awar Langar, aged 14, Sudanese, Kakuma refugee camp.
© UNHCR/Yel Awar Langar
LESSON 3: A morality story
Have ready a class set of the story "Tit for tat" by Daniel Arou Diing Arou, a fourteen year old Sudanese of the Dinka Bor tribe.
Let the children read the story quietly and individually and work through the questions as a written exercise. The class can come back together to share their answers.
Comprehension and discussion questions
- How did the camel demonstrate his friendship to the fox when the two animals wanted to steal food from the farm which was across the river?
- Why did the fox finish his meal before the camel?
- What word would you use to desribe the attitude and behaviour of the fox?
- Do you think the camel was paying the fox back or teaching him a lesson?
- The camel was sorry for the fox and did not let the fox drown, but saved him and took the fox safely to the other sided of the river. What about the fox? He said he was sorry, but do you think he told the truth?
- Is there a moral to the story? If there is, what could it be?