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National Activity Plan 2005: Côte d'Ivoire

National Activity Plan 2005: Côte d'Ivoire

20 June 2005

Kids play in a neighbourhood populated mostly by Iraqi refugees. Because refugees are not allowed to work in Syria, children often must take informal jobs to help support their families.

  • Tabou: Activities surrounding "Refugees' Rights and Obligations": Workshops, live radio broadcast and a debate. Other activities in Tabou include sampling of food prepared by local and refugee women for local authorities and tribal chiefs, a traditional concert, sport competitions with mixed teams of locals and refugees, as well as the "Tolerance, Reconciliation and Gratitude" Ball.
  • Tabou and Abidjan: Exposition and stand selling refugees' works of art.
  • Abidjan: Official ceremony with governmental authorities and UNHCR. Presentation of soap operas.