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Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Executive Committee Meetings

Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
1499 (XV)

5 December 1960


1499. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The General Assembly,

Having considered the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,1

Noting the recent favourable developments in the work of the Office of the High Commissioner in respect of international protection as well as of the promotion of permanent solutions, including voluntary repatriation resettlement to other countries and integration in the present countries of asylum,

Noting in particular that, pursuant to its resolutions 1167 (XII) of 26 November 1957 and 1388 (XIV) of 20 November 1959, increasing attention is being paid in many countries, by Governments and by non-governmental organizations, to the problems of refugees who do not come within the immediate competence of the United Nations,

Further noting that none the less there still are considerable numbers of non-settled refugees, whose problems can be solved only by a further concentration of the efforts of the international community,

Invites States Members of the United Nations and members of the specialized agencies to continue to devote attention to refugee problems still awaiting solution:

(a) By continuing to improve the legal status of refugees living in their territory, in consultation, where needed, with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees;

(b) By further increasing facilities for the voluntary repatriation, resettlement and integration of refugees;

(c) By enabling the High Commissioner to reach the financial targets both of his current 1961 programmes and of the other programmes entrusted to his Office;

(d) By continuing to consult with the High Commissioner in respect of measures of assistance to groups of refugees who do not come within the competence of the United Nations.

935th plenary meeting,
5 December 1960.

1 Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifteenth Session, Supplement No. 11 (A/4378/Rev.1) and Supplement No. 11A (A/4378/Rev.1/Add.1).