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World Refugee Day 2002: Georgia

World Refugee Day 2002: Georgia

20 June 2002


A drawing and painting competition was announced through ads in local newspapers inviting 7- to 12-year-old children to draw or paint on a refugee-related theme (How does it feel to be a refugee?). Some 300 entries were registered. A special jury selected 13 best works, three of which were printed on T-shirts.

The drawing and painting exhibition was opened on 20 June in the Children's Art Gallery. UN agencies, diplomatic community, government, and city authorities were invited for the opening ceremony.

The winners received special certificates, T-shirts, and an "entertainment package", which included zoo tickets and a lunch at McDonald's.

The event will be reflected in the special issue of the UNHCR/UNV White Crane magazine (distributed mainly among children in internally displaced persons and refugee communities) and in the bimonthly "Refuge" newsletter, published by the UN Association - Georgia. The Representative gave several interviews to local press correspondents during the opening of the exhibition.