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World Refugee Day 2003: Mozambique

World Refugee Day 2003: Mozambique

20 June 2003

Burundian refugee drummers at Marratane camp. © UNHCR/L.Walker

This year's World Refugee Day celebrations coincided with the official opening of Marratane refugee camp by the UNHCR representative and the Governor of Nampula, who warmly welcomed the refugees to his province. The two officials were joined by the French Ambassador and the Director of NAR (Portuguese Nucleo de Apoio acs Refugiadas) for a symbolic tree-planting ceremony at the camp's entrance.

The music and dances by refugees were colourful and varied, due to the diversity of the camp population, which includes Rwandan, Burundian and Congolese refugees. Refugees also displayed their agricultural products and crafts. On this special occasion, the Chinese Embassy donated clothes and books for refugees, and the French school in Maputo also gave clothes, books, toys, desks and chairs.

A dance by refugee women from the camp in Nampula province.

Other events included football and volleyball matches.