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World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Poland

World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Poland

1 April 2003

Over 600 people enjoyed the concert at the Moscow Club of Scientists that brought together Russian and refugee musicians.

In May, a series of meetings, trips and visits will be organised for journalists to focus their attention on the refugee issues.

UNHCR will conduct an information campaign about refugees with professional support from TESTARDO-BATES, which will design and produce posters, leaflets, TV and radio spots for free.

Refugee children and youth will be given disposable cameras and after some training, they will take photos to show their daily life, aspirations and dreams. The photos will be displayed at the World Refugee Day concert in Warsaw. Refugee teenagers will also write essays for a World Refugee Day leaflet.

Outdoor concerts and street fairs will take place in Warsaw, Wroclaw, Lublin, Krakow, Poznan and Bialystok in June, featuring a variety of theatre groups and music bands, including refugees. Photo exhibitions, film shows, competitions and various performances are also planned.

An educational campaign will be conducted in schools between mid-May and the end of June. Many partners are involved in the planning of lessons, workshops, film and slide shows, competitions and mini Refugee Days in schools. An education section will be created on UNHCR's Polish website with lesson plans, games and materials for teachers.

Events for refugees and social workers will also be organised.

Panel discussions will be held with NGOs, social workers and decision-makers to promote the integration of refugees as a solution benefiting the host country.