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World Refugee Day 2007 National Activities: Sudan

World Refugee Day 2007 National Activities: Sudan

20 June 2007


East Sudan and Juba/South Sudan celebrated a World Refugee Day week with two themes: "A new beginning" for South Sudan and Blue Nile state and "Diversity - Tolerance - Respect" for the rest of the country.

Events in South Sudan and Blue Nile included traditional dancing, sports, poetry contests and music. In Damazine, northern Blue Nile, 3,000 students participated in WRD events on peaceful co-existence between refugees, displaced people and local communities.

Celebrations in East Sudan focused on life in refugee camps and environmental activities - 90 trees were planted in several refugee camps in the dry desert area of East Sudan.

Celebrations in Habila and Mukjar, Darfur aimed to include Chadian refugees and displaced people.

Juba in South Sudan organized a skills contest among would-be mechanics: four aspiring mechanics had to change a tire of a Landcruiser.

The events were broadcast by national TV channels and covered by local newspapers.