Japanese ambassador visits resilient IDPs in foothills near Dili
Japanese ambassador visits resilient IDPs in foothills near Dili

MOTO KIIK, Timor-Leste, July 14 (UNHCR) - Timorese civilians who fled to the foothills just east of Dili over the past two months do not have much in the way of material possessions, but they have plenty of resilience, grace and spirit.
Today, they came out in force in the village of Moto Kiik to welcome the ambassador of Japan, whose government has donated US$2 million to UNHCR's emergency operations in Timor-Leste, part of a broader donation of US$5 million in response to last month's UN Flash Appeal for the troubled republic. The appeal came after tens of thousands of people fled their homes when violence first erupted between rival armed groups in late April.
Twelve elders formed a guard of honour for Ambassador Kenji Shimizu, complete with swords, traditional head-dress and singing. The envoy had joined a UNHCR mission sent to distribute relief items, including blankets and kitchen sets. A group of children and women, also traditionally garbed, joined the procession playing the badadok (small traditional drums) and metal gong.
A traditional weaved scarf was placed around Shimizu's neck before he was led to a small reception area - built from wooden poles, palm fronds and UNHCR plastic sheeting - where the ceremony commenced with a prayer, watched by some 200 displaced people staying in the area.
Village head Pedro Ribeira welcomed the ambassador and thanked Japan and UNHCR for the plastic sheeting, blankets, jerry cans and kitchen sets which had been distributed to the group in recent weeks. Ribeiro also spoke of his regret that after only four years of independence, the Timorese people have had to again flee their homes and live in such conditions.
"My government has decided to show some friendship to Timorese people by providing some funds," Shimizu said, explaining that the recent US$5 million donation was the largest by donor governments to the UN Flash Appeal. "Some of this assistance comes from UNHCR to this village today, and I hope it will be of some help for easing your hardship and suffering," he added.
Shimizu said his government attached great importance to peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region and added that the aid was a gesture of friendship between the two countries. "I do wish your daily life will be normalised and you can enjoy peace and stability as soon as possible," he said.
UNHCR emergency team leader, Vanno Noupech, thanked Japan for its contribution to the agency's operations in Timor-Leste, focusing on the provision of shelter items such as lightweight tents, plastic sheeting, blankets and other relief items for settlements of displaced people in Dili and surrounding districts.
"The Japanese donation contributes to not only the procurement of these relief items but also the logistics and transport, allowing UNHCR to be able to respond quickly to the situation - improving people's shelter and thereby mitigating against some of the worst impacts of people's prolonged displacement," Noupech said.
Japan's US$2 million donation represents almost half UNHCR's budget for the operation, which is also supported by Australia, Germany, Norway, the UN's Central Emergency Relief Fund and private donors.

Over the past few weeks, UNHCR has delivered 270 blankets, 320 jerry cans and 320 plastic sheets to families living in the foothills near Moto Kiik, where there is a water point. On Friday, UNHCR trucks flying the UN and Japanese flags delivered 375 blankets and 326 kitchen sets to leaders of the group.
After the reception at Moto Kiik, Ambassador Shimizu helped UNHCR distribute 1,250 blankets in the village of Metinaro, where some 500 displaced families have gathered.
By Ariane Rummery in Dili, Timor-Leste