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Currently, over 9,000 refugees and asylum-seekers are registered with UNHCR in Tunisia, originating mainly from the Middle East, sub-Sahara, and Africa's horn. Most reach Tunisia by land or air from neighbouring countries, and within mixed movements, by sea or land to/from Libya/Algeria.

UNHCR has been active in Tunisia since 1957, when Tunisian authorities asked for its assistance to protect several thousands of Algerian refugees. UNHCR established an honorary representation in 1963, then a full representation through the signature of a Headquarters agreement in 2011 between UNHCR and the Tunisian Government. Since then, UNHCR works in close collaboration with authorities and Tunisian civil society to promote a favourable protection environment for refugees and asylum-seekers in Tunisia.

UNHCR and its partners, with the essential support of donors, ensure international protection through the registration of refugees and asylum-seekers, documentation and the Refugee Status Determination procedure. UNHCR and its partners provide emergency assistance to the most vulnerable (shelter, material assistance) and a follow-up for socio-economic inclusion of persons of concern to UNHCR.

Additional information

For information about our work in Tunisia:


Are you a refugee or asylum-seeker in Tunisia? Find information about your rights and available services on our HELP site.

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Operational updates

For up-to-date information about our programmes and operations in Tunisia, including funding level and donor contributions, visit Global Focus, UNHCR's reporting portal.

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Legislation and guidance

For legislation, case law and UNHCR policy relating to claims for international protection, visit Refworld.

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Office contact details

For information about our operation in Tunisia, please contact us through our Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.