Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
For more than 35 years, UNHCR assisted people forced to flee throughout a prolonged conflict in Sri Lanka. Most internally displaced people were able to return to their places of origin and many Sri Lankan refugees repatriated voluntarily from India and elsewhere. Our assistance helped many internally displaced people rebuild their lives and enabled most refugees to find lasting solutions.
Sri Lanka has not ratified the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. UNHCR continues to advocate with the authorities for them to:
- ratify the 1951 Convention
- develop a national asylum system in the country
- ensure the rights of asylum-seekers and refugees are respected.
We work with Sri Lankan authorities to make sure that people needing international protection are not sent back to places where they might face persecution or serious human rights violations. This is in line with the country's obligations under international refugee and human rights laws.
Additional information
For information about our work in Sri Lanka:
For up-to-date information about our programmes and operations in Sri Lanka, including funding level and donor contributions, visit Global Focus, UNHCR's reporting portal.
For legislation, case law and UNHCR policy relating to claims for international protection, visit Refworld.