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Guinea: security situation deteriorates - again

Briefing notes

Guinea: security situation deteriorates - again

2 March 2001

The security situation in southern Guinea appears to have deteriorated again, with reports of fresh attacks on the western edge of the Parrot's Beak. An alleged attack on the town of Konin by Sierra Leone's RUF rebels drove more than 1,000 people out of the town. Most have sought refuge in the town of Lengo Bengo, 15 km away. MSF has found 845 persons who left Konin for Koundou Lengo Bengo and more are reported to be on the road. Today's convoy of UNHCR trucks carrying WFP food for some 10,000 people in Koundou Lengo Bengo has been re-routed to another area because of security risks. Meanwhile, relocation of refugees from the Guéckédou area into the interior of Guinea continues. A total of nearly 16,500 refugees have been transferred so far.