World Refugee Day 2002: Argentina
World Refugee Day 2002: Argentina

Organised by Fundación Comisión Católica Argentina de Migraciones, a celebration was held on 23 June. Some 350 refugees from different countries attended the event, which started with an ecumenical ceremony, followed by a typical Argentine lunch. Refugees presented different cultural performances. The event was announced in La Nación magazine.
A photo exhibit was jointly organised by the Department of Research, Policies and Demographic Development (Ministry of Interior), SOKA GAKKAI International, Argentina con ACNUR, and UNHCR. The Vice-Minister of Interior, Mr. Cristian Ritondo, inaugurated the exhibition at the Ministry of Interior.
The event was attended by high-ranking government officials and others such as the National Director of Research, Policies and Demographic Development, Minister of Interior, Mrs. María Lenz, the General Director of Migration, Gen. Juan Manuel Llavar, the Director of Soka Gakkai International, Mr. José Nakatsui, the Legal Affairs Director at the Migration Office, Dr. María Vergara, the IOM Regional Director, Lelio Marmora, CEPARE (Eligibility Committee for Refugees), academic, civil society and private institutions, and UNHCR. The event was announced in Clarin (agenda) and La Nación.
Copies of the poster series designed by Gastón Torchia were distributed to many libraries in Argentina and Vicarships in Chile for exhibition.