World Refugee Day 2002: Slovakia
World Refugee Day 2002: Slovakia

UNHCR was invited to two World Refugee Day events/discussions in Bratislava, Liptovsky Mikulas, targeting secondary school students.
On 20 June, the concert dedicated to World Refugee Day brought together outstanding Slovak entertainers and refugee women representatives. The event was attended by 300 people in the Theatre Arena Bratislava. The programme was presented by the popular Slovak TV Markiza reporter.
Besides the performance of the Slovak singers and groups (the groups Peha, Seven Days to Winter, Mango Molas, the singers Pavol Hammel, guitar player Juraj Burian), the event included :
- the opening address by Migration Office Director and UNHCR;
- a presentation by UNHCR "Seven refugee women who entered my life" (video presentation of extraordinary life stories of refugee women, with slides and authentic music from their countries of origin);
- an aerobic performance by an Armenian refugee girl (presented together with the Slovak Fredy's Dance Group);
- the poem "My native land Bosnia" presented by two Bosnian refugee students;
- an Afghan song presented by a refugee woman Sahra;
- a presentation of models made by a Tanzanian refugee woman for her daughter.
At the entrance of the concert hall, the UNHCR poster exhibition was installed, together with art and handicraft works by refugee women and drawings by refugee children from the Refugee Accommodation Centre in Gabcikovo. A refugee woman prepared some typical Armenian cakes, refreshments, and dishes. Slovak Humanitarian Council helped UNHCR to organise the event.