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World Refugee Day 2003: Australia

World Refugee Day 2003: Australia

20 June 2003


Events in Australia included film screenings, community forums, cultural festivals, sporting events, food fairs, musical and drama performances. Advocacy groups organised candlelight vigils and rallies.

One organisation established a website to facilitate information sharing about the many World Refugee Day activities across the country. That same organisation produced a community service announcement that was played on both public and commercial television channels.

On June 19, Australia's Immigration Minister Phillip Ruddock, along with UNHCR's Regional Representative, launched the Inter-Parliamentary Union/UNHCR Handbook for Parliamentarians on Refugee Law at Parliament House to an audience of over 100 parliamentarians, officials and NGO representatives.

On June 20, Australia for UNHCR hosted a World Refugee Day breakfast attended by more than 300 corporate leaders. Speakers at the breakfast included cricketing icon Ian Chappell, ABC presenter Indira Naidoo, prominent businesswoman Judit Korner, UNHCR Regional Representative Michel Gabaudan, and young Australian former refugee Tanja Mikulic. Guests were invited to join Australia for UNHCR's monthly donor programme.