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World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Tanzania

World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Tanzania

1 April 2003

UNHCR staff register refugees at the Douma registration center on the outskirts of Damascus. Registering with UNHCR ensures that the most vulnerable refugees receive aid.

A press conference will be held in Dar es Salaam on June 19.

A UNHCR film on Refugee Youth, "Facing Our Future", will be broadcast on national television, DTV, on June 20.

In Lugufu refugee camp, various activities - including competitions, theatre shows, games and sports tournaments - will be organised on June 20. Apart from refugees, local schoolchildren will also participate in some of the events.

A joint event will be organised by UNHCR, Right to Play, and Roots & Shoots. Two prominent Tanzanian athletes (a football player and a marathon runner) will join the refugees for the celebration and present the tournament winners with trophies. Lectures on natural environment and an exhibition of Roots & Shoots projects will take place. Puppet shows will highlight the issues of child soldiers and the sexual exploitation of children.