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Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees

Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees

The Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR) was drafted in 2012 by Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan, with the support of UNHCR. The strategy advances a regional approach to solutions and promotes burden and responsibility-sharing for refugees at regional and global levels.

Evolution of the SSAR Platform

The Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR) is endorsed by the international community
UNHCR’s Executive Committee calls for reinvigorated international support for implementation of the SSAR at the High-Level Segment on the Afghan Refugee Situation during its 66th session.
The UN General Assembly affirms the Global Compact on Refugees.
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the three Governments launch the SSAR Support Platform in line with the GCR, one of only three platforms globally. Long-term partners and donors made strong statements of support.
The Islamabad Refugee Summit convenes the Prime Minister of Pakistan, the Secretary-General of the UN, the Second Vice President of Afghanistan, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and more than 500 Ministers and other high-ranking representatives of the international community, civil society, private sector, academia, media, and refugees. The Chairperson’s Summary calls upon the international community to join the Support Platform.
The Governments of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan, and UNHCR endorse the Modalities of the Support Platform and adopt Terms of Reference for the Core Group of States.
The SSAR Support Platform Portfolio of Projects is launched.