UNHCR Teachers' Toolkit in German for 9 to 12 year olds
UNHCR Teachers' Toolkit in German for 9 to 12 year olds
In this age group, you can anticipate that children can focus for around an hour on any given topic in this age range. Reading and writing is often involved but the tasks focus mostly on interaction between peers and with the teachers.
Teaching materials provide opportunities for students and teachers to co-create a peaceful classroom environment where children are able to celebrate their differences.

Children are encouraged to think of their own experiences and link them to topics being addressed. They are also encouraged to work in pairs or groups and to listen and take in other people’s perspectives.
Any video and audio materials used for this age group should tell stories of a refugee child of the same age as the pupils through discussion of upbeat, familiar and relevant topics such as why people might leave their home, their new home-life, hobbies, toys, new school life and future dreams..
Materials available in German
Main curriculum about refugees, asylum and migration
This main curriculum for children aged 9-12 focuses on building socio-emotional skills and facilitating peer relationships, celebrating diversity, understanding new arrivals in the classroom, as well as creating a peaceful environment in the classroom.
Integrating teaching about refugees, asylum and migration in your class activities
This module contains guidance and ideas on how to introduce the topic in various settings in your classroom.
Activity guide for 9 – 12 year olds
This practical guide contains some suggestions for class activities.
Guidance for inclusion of refugees in your classroom
Teaching newcomers often comes with specific needs relating to language acquisition and adaptation to a new culture and environment. Some refugee children may suffer from stress or trauma preventing them from participating fully in school activities, and requiring specific support.
UNHCR has developed some professional guidance materials for primary and secondary schools teachers on including refugees in your classroom. The materials below are avaialble in Dutch.
Age groups
These teaching materials are designed specifically for children in higher primary, ages 9-12.
All the materials linked are available in German.
The English versions and French versions are also available on UNHCR website.
How to order
All available UNHCR teaching materials in German can be dowloaded for free on links above.
All other UNHCR teaching materials can be found on UNHCR’s Teaching About Refugees page in English and on UNHCR’s Teaching About Refugees page in French.