SMS Supply Management System

SMS Supply Management System

Using SMS to make UNHCR warehouse management more efficient.  UNHCR tries to respond as fast as it can to humanitarian crises; when refugees or displaced people come pouring in, it wants to deliver aid immediately. Warehouses located around the world allow for relief...
A snapshot of girl’s education in Ulyankulu, Tanzania

A snapshot of girl’s education in Ulyankulu, Tanzania

In Ulyankulu, Tanzania, the nearest secondary school is far from the remote refugee settlement. The long path walked to school became treacherous, and incidences of sexual or gender based violence were often reported. The distance and danger caused many girls to drop...
Spreading the word

Spreading the word

As part of my innovation fellowship, I have been trying to bring some ‘innovative ways of working’ back into my team at JIPS. I have been trying to pick out relevant tools learnt during the workshops and my further reading, to build them into our day-to-day work and...
Bibliothèques Sans Frontières

Bibliothèques Sans Frontières

Our collaboration with Bibliothèques Sans Frontières yielded the Ideas Box, a new way to educate and inspire refugee children. UNHCR Innovation and Bibliothèques Sans Frontières are working together to provide quality educational and cultural experiences to those...
IKEA Foundation

IKEA Foundation

IKEA Foundation works with us in many ways.  Most notable is the Refugee Housing Unit, a smart alternative to shelter. The IKEA Foundation is dedicated to improving the home lives of families everywhere. As an indispensible partner of UNHCR, it is making sure that...
Vodafone Foundation

Vodafone Foundation

Vodafone Foundation has partnered with our Learn Lab and UNHCR’s Education Unit since 2013 to expand refugees’ access to connectivity—a key ingredient in augmenting education, increasing self-reliance and sharing vital information. With the Vodafone Foundation’s...