Community Messaging on Change In Processing For Chins
Community Messaging on Change In Processing For Chins

UNHCR processing center
© UNHCR \ Krisha Vishinpir
- In response to the worsening security situation in southern Chin State in Myanmar, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has affirmed that Chin refugees may still have ongoing international protection needs. As a result, UNHCR will be maintaining their refugee status.
- Please be advised that the registration and refugee status determination procedures are in the process of being amended to ensure that the change is acted on. For this reason, the refugee status determination interview appointments and results appointments scheduled for Chin asylum-seekers will be temporarily delayed until further notice to ensure that all adjustments are made appropriately. UNHCR will share further information on this with you in the near future.
- UNHCR is currently reviewing all processes relating to registration, refugee status determination and documentation for all asylum-seekers and refugees regardless of their country of origin. Information will be provided as the review progresses.
- All individuals holding documents as asylum seekers or as recognised refugees, regardless of the previous policy and options that they may have chosen between 1 August 2018 to 14 March 2019, will have their refugee documents renewed, this means:
- All individuals who have not undergone the individual review process in the period 1 August 2018 to 14 March 2019 and are scheduled to approach UNHCR for a refugee card renewal appointment, will have their refugee cards renewed following the procedure applicable to all recognised refugees in Malaysia.
- All individuals who have undergone the review process in the period 1 August 2018 to 14 March 2019, and chose the refugee card with a validity until 31 December 2019, will be re-issued with UNHCR refugee card following the same procedure for all recognised refugees in Malaysia.
- All individuals who have undergone the review process in the period 1 August 2018 to 14 March 2019 and were issued with Refugee Paper Certificates will be re-issued with UNHCR refugee cards following the same procedure for all recognised refugees in Malaysia.
- If not already done, you will be contacted and given an appointment to come to the office before the expiry of your card or refugee paper certificate for the purpose of renewing the card or receiving a refugee card under the three categories explained above. Please do not approach UNHCR without having been contacted by UNHCR first for an appointment.
- Please keep UNHCR informed of changes to your contact details through the following steps:
- Please send an SMS to 0111 7225 222
- Please enter the following information in the SMS exactly following this sequence:
Key in PHONE<space>Case Number<space>Individual Registration Number<space>New Phone Number For example: PHONE 791-13C12345 791-12345678 0121234678
- You will receive an SMS confirming that your new contact details have been updated successfully within 7 days.
Please note:
- This mobile number will only receive SMS.
- Please only send updated contact details and your registration number. All other information that is sent will not be saved nor read.
- If there are changes to your appointment dates, UNHCR will inform you by phone or SMS.