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Integration of refugees

Executive Committee Meetings

Integration of refugees
638 (VII)

20 December 1952


638. Integration of refugees

The General Assembly,

Taking note of the observations and information contained in the report1 of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on the problem of assimilation of refugees in the countries of their residence,

Considering that the voluntary repatriation or the resettlement in countries of immigration of refugees under the mandate2 of the High Commissioner, while constituting valuable elements for the solution of the refugee problem, are not sufficient in themselves under the present conditions to offer within a reasonable time a permanent solution of that problem,

Noting with satisfaction the efforts made by the governments of the countries of present residence of refugees towards their assimilation, as well as the studies and plans of the High Commissioner directed towards the same objective,

Considering that, in view of the heavy financial burdens involved in the execution of integration programmes, international funds may play a useful role in the successful execution of long-term projects for the assimilation of refugees,

Invites the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in consultation with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, to examine the situation with a view to exploring, with the governments directly concerned, what sources of funds might be available and the most effective means by which such funds might be utilized.

408th plenary meeting,
20 December 1952.

1 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventh Session, Supplement No. 16.

2 See resolution 428 (V).