National Activity Plan 2006: Croatia
National Activity Plan 2006: Croatia
20 June 2006
UNHCR staff register refugees at the Douma registration center on the outskirts of Damascus. Registering with UNHCR ensures that the most vulnerable refugees receive aid.
© UNHCR/M.Bernard
- A week of football clinics/schools for refugee children in Croatia's war-affected areas of return will be set-up, in line with the Cross Cultures project. This event will be developed in the context of the World Cup in Germany.
- UNHCR will co-organize an afternoon of activities and events on the World Refugee Day, in Zagreb. UNHCR's implementing NGO, Croatian Law Centre, will present and launch the first issue of its new regional newsletter on asylum. The documentary on ethnic distance in Vukovar "Blue Pony Bicycle" directed by the award-winning Croatian director Ivona Juka will be screened. Throughout the afternoon, creative works on the topic of refugees, drawn by elementary school children from Gradec, near Zagreb, will be displayed.
- A media seminar on current issues related to asylum in Croatia, will be organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior and the Croatian Law Centre.
- A World Refugee Day 2006 spot will be broadcast by the Croatian television HTV from 15-22 June.
- HTV will air a report on the situation of refugees in the world, based on UNHCR's "Global View 2006" feature and including the High Commissioner's WRD statement.
- A series of press opportunities in connection with the World Refugee Day, including interviews of senior UNHCR representatives to electronic (HTV; Radio 101, Zagreb; Croatian Radio) and print (national dailies) media outlets.
- World Refugee Day 2006 ads will be placed in two national daily newspapers with the highest circulation.