World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Honduras
World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Honduras
1 April 2003
UNHCR staff register refugees at the Douma registration center on the outskirts of Damascus. Registering with UNHCR ensures that the most vulnerable refugees receive aid.
© UNHCR/M.Bernard
The National Lottery of Honduras will issue a lottery bill specially designed for World Refugee Day during the week of June 16-22. The bill will be presented in a ceremony.
On June 19, staff from UNHCR and its partner organisation, CIPRODEH, will participate in a radio show. A special television show titled, "The world's refugees: The need for a new asylum legislation", will be broadcast on Channel 13.
On June 22, UNHCR will participate in the TV news show, "Abriendo brecha", on Channel 7.