Terms of References

Terms of References
A variety of TORs for implementing BIP. This folder includes sample TORs for BID Supervisors, BID Reviewing Officer, Case Workers, and BID Panels.
TOR - BID Coordinator (Sample)
A sample terms of reference for the BID Coordinator role
Source: UNHCR
Publication date: 2019
TOR - BID Reviewing Officer (Sample)
A sample terms of reference for the BID Reviewing Officer role
Source: UNHCR
Publication date: 2019
TOR - BID Supervisor (Sample)
A sample terms of reference for the BID Supervisor role
Source: UNHCR
Publication date: 2019
TOR - Caseworker (Sample)
A sample terms of reference for the Case Worker role
Source: UNHCR
Publication date: 2019
TOR - Social Worker - Community Case Worker (Sample)
A sample terms of reference for the Social Worker / Community Case Worker role
Source: NRC
Publication date: 2019
TOR - BID Panel (Sample - Iraq)
A sample terms of reference for the BID panel, developed in Iraq
Source: UNHCR
Publication date: 2019