Education material support provided by Koç Foundation has reached refugees
Education material support provided by Koç Foundation has reached refugees
- UNHCR warns of winter crisis ahead for almost a million displaced people in Iraq, Syria
- UN Humanitarian Chief calls for continued assistance and a political solution for Syria - UN OCHA Press Release, 20 October 2014
- UN Humanitarian Chief urges ongoing assistance, political solution for war-torn Syria - UN News Centre, 20 October 2014
- UNHCR Turkey External Updates on Influx of Syrian Refugees
- Whirlwind of violence surprises some residents in northern Syria
- UNHCR airlifts urgent aid into Turkey to help refugees fleeing ISIS
- Number of Syrian Kurds fleeing to Turkey nears 140,000; humanitarian needs amount
- Sudden refugee influx of Syrians into Turkey: UNHCR steps up relief and commends Turkey for response
- UNHCR statement on Turkey’s actions in allowing safe haven for civilians fleeing northern Syria
- Helping a blind boy to focus on his dreams in Turkey
- Syrian refugee women fight for survival as they head families alone
- UNHCR warns of dramatic consequences if funding gaps for Syrian refugees continue
- UNHCR welcomes Germany’s decision to extend Humanitarian Admission Programme to an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees
- Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Surpass One Million
- UNHCR Report
- UNHCR Press Release
- UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie visits Lebanon, urges aid for Syria’s children, expresses gratitude to Lebanon, and welcomes new UN Resolution on Syria
- UNICEF/UNHCR Joint Press Release
- UN refugee agency starts an airlift operation to deliver core relief items to 50,000 displaced in northeastern Syria
- Cooperation Protocol to be signed between The Disaster and Emergency Relief Agency (AFAD) of Turkey, Qatar Red Crescent (QRC) and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- UNHCR joins call in Turkey for solidarity with countries hosting Syrian refugees
- Donor nations pledge US$2.4 billion at Kuwait meet for Syrians in need
- Turkey hosts Ministerial Coordination Meeting of Major Host Countries for Syrian Refugees
- Press Release - Urgent call for massive investment to prevent lost generation of Syrian children
- Videos: Syria crisis and refugees
- UNHCR Turkey Newsletter
- Press Release - Massive aid effort accompanied 2013’s Syria refugee exodus
- UN appeals for a record US$6.5 billion for Syria operations in 2014
- Anadolu Agency Interview with UNHCR Turkey Representative Ms. Carol Batchelor
- Today's Zaman Interview with UNHCR Turkey Representative Ms. Carol Batchelor
- AA Interview with UNHCR Turkey Representative Ms. Carol Batchelor
- Press Release - Syrian refugees trying to reach the EU
- UNHCR MENA Director and Regional Refugee Coordinator Amin Awad's interview with Anadolu Agency
- UNHCR supports Syrian refugees with the cooking facilities
- Briefing Note - 107 Syrian refugees to depart Lebanon for temporary relocation in Germany
- Joint Press Release – Ministerial Meeting
- Press Release - 2 Million Syrians are Refugees
- The anger of Syria's child refugees will be felt for years to come
- UNHCR / UNICEF Joint Press Release
- Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) 2016 - 2017
- Becoming a refugee at the age of 70 with serious health situation...
- The journey to safety from Ayn Al Arab for a family of 7 children including a new-born
- UNHCR Report: "Syrian Refugees in Europe: What Europe Can Do to Ensure Protection and Solidarity"
- Joint Press Release by the Regional Response Plan partners in Turkey
- UNHCR new call for resettlement or other forms of admission for 100,000 Syrians
- Hürriyet Daily News Interview with UNHCR Turkey Representative Ms. Carol Batchelor
- Anadolu Agency Interview with UNHCR Turkey Representative Ms. Carol Batchelor
- Syria Regional Response Plan - RRP 5
- UNHCR welcomes European Union's €400 million donation for Syria crisis
- Syria refugee numbers cross 1.5 million as funding gaps remain
- Geneva Press Release: UN High Commissioner for Refugees warns Security Council of "terrifying" humanitarian situation for Syria
- UNHCR Press Release: UNHCR welcomes Turkey’s new law on asylum
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) signs a global cooperative and partnership agreement with Turkish Red Crescent Society