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Earthquake in Van Affected Large Numbers

Earthquake in Van Affected Large Numbers

31 October 2011 Also available in:

Story, October 31, 2011

In response to the Turkish Red Crescent’s appeal for help on Tuesday, the first tow of four UNHCR humanitarian flights for the victims of the devastating earthquake in Van landed in Erzurum during the weekend. The third flight is expected to arrive on Tuesday. Each flight will be carrying approximately 500 tents and 10,000 blankets. Together with resources we already have in Turkey, our immediate emergency relief response for the victims of earthquake amounts to 4,000 tents, 50,000 blankets and 10,000 sleeping mats. The supplies arriving by plane will be loaded onto trucks and taken immediately to Van and surrounding areas for distribution. Our response is part of a concerted effort by the UN country team.