UNHCR’s statement on the fraudulent information on the resettlement of Syrians Home UNHCR’s statement on the fraudulent information on the resettlement of Syrians 19 February 2017 Also available in: Türkiye Documents UNHCR’s statement on the fraudulent information on the resettlement of Syrians Suriyelilerin yerleştirilmesine ilişkin dolandırıcılığa yönelik bilgilere dair BMMYK açıklaması بيان مفوضية شؤون الالجئين عن المعلومات المزورة بشأن إعادة توطين السوريين
Home UNHCR’s statement on the fraudulent information on the resettlement of Syrians 19 February 2017 Also available in: Türkiye