United Nations and partners launch the new appeal for Syrian refugees and host communities in Turkey

United Nations and partners launch the new appeal for Syrian refugees and host communities in Turkey
United Nations and partners launch the new appeal for Syrian refugees and host communities in TurkeyAs the Syrian crisis continues unabated well into its sixth year, the Government of Turkey, the United Nations (UN) agencies and partners formally launch today the Turkey chapter of the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) 2017-2018. Ankara, 6 February 2017 – As the Syrian crisis continues unabated well into its sixth year, the Government…
As the Syrian crisis continues unabated well into its sixth year, the Government of Turkey, the United Nations (UN) agencies and partners formally launch today the Turkey chapter of the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) 2017-2018.
Ankara, 6 February 2017 – As the Syrian crisis continues unabated well into its sixth year, the Government of Turkey, the United Nations (UN) agencies and partners formally launch today the Turkey chapter of the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) 2017-2018. The Turkey chapter of the plan appeals for more than US$3.5 billion in new funding to provide vital support over the next two years to address the growing needs of Syrian refugees and the communities hosting them in Turkey and their resilience.
The overall 3RP is a US$4.69 billion regional plan covering 5 countries affected by the Syria crisis. The 3RP was globally launched in Helsinki on 24 January. Today the Turkish chapter of the 3RP is launched in Ankara bringing together Turkish authorities, 11 United Nations (UN) agencies and 26 non-governmental partners. It aims to assist 2.8 million Syrian refugees in Turkey, out of which 2.45 million reside in host communities and some 300,000 in government-managed camps, and 1.8 million members of affected host communities.
The Plan consisting of two inter-connected pillars, humanitarian and resilience, focuses on key priorities across 6 sectors (protection, food security, education, health, basic needs and livelihoods). UN agencies, along with partners, will continue to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable Syrian refugees, especially in urban areas. In addition to that, the 3RP Turkey chapter has an increased focus on the need to strengthen medium and longer term resilience across all sectors, for individuals, communities and institutions to be better able to cope with a response to the impact of large number of Syrian refugees under Temporary Protection residing in Turkey.
In Turkey, out of over 2.8 million registered Syrian refugees, 90 per cent live outside camps within the host communities. 70 percent are women and children. Over 40 per cent of Syrian school-aged refugee children remain out of school. In view of the scale of the urban refugee population, the demands for health services have been mounting. In January 2016, the Government of Turkey passed legislation that has allowed access to Syrian refugees under Temporary Protection to formal employment in an exemplary move allowing for increased self-reliance and additional opportunities for refugees. Additional support is needed to strengthen capacities to implement the legislation and scale up efforts for job creation and employability (including language and technical vocational education and training).
“The Syria war, now in its sixth year, continues to be the cause of the biggest humanitarian crisis and refugees and those who host them need our help - now more than ever and we can only support these needs and vulnerabilities if we receive the necessary and flexible funding to do so” said Pascale Moreau, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, (UNHCR) Turkey Representative. “We, as UNHCR, acknowledge the scale of generosity and hospitality from the people of Turkey and Turkish authorities which cannot be accounted for statistically, and it deserves to be praised. We also thank the substantial support of all donors over the past years and appeal for their continued commitment to support the 3RP as a measure of international solidarity with the people of Turkey”.
Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative in Turkey and UN Resident Coordinator, said “The 3RP is a global first for the UN in terms of its response to crises, combining humanitarian and development partners to jointly plan at a regional level. The 3RP is an inclusive model for delivering an effective, comprehensive and coordinated response for 5 countries affected by the Syria crisis, including Turkey. The 3RP is a combined appeal to effectively support Government counterparts to address both immediate refugee needs and strengthen medium to longer term resilience. The 3RP reminds us of the need for communities and refugee to thrive, not just survive, even when the border is far behind”.
Claudio Tomasi, UNDP Country Director in Turkey, also added: “It is critical that we acknowledge the increased need to strengthen the resilience of individuals, communities and our local partners, noting the increasingly protracted nature of the crisis. A resilience based development approach, that complements the humanitarian response is more relevant than ever in order to support refugees, host communities, as well as national and local authorities to be better able to cope with and recover from the impact of the large influx of refugees, and sustain development gains already made. Therefore, we strongly support the fact that the 3RP 2017-2018 is the first plan aiming at multi-year resource mobilization.”
Turkey is the largest refugee hosting country globally. It has been providing a solid and comprehensive rights-based legal framework through the Temporary Protection Regulation, offering access to services including education, health care and labour market for Syrian refugees in the country. Turkey’s 3RP has consistently stood out for its strong national ownership and leadership, with UN and NGO partners playing a support role to the Government of Turkey.
Despite generous contributions and advocacy support received from donors, the response plans for Turkey have remained under-funded, increasing the gap between growing needs and available funding. Funding remains insufficient to respond to today’s most dire humanitarian crisis.
For media queries, please contact:
Selin Ünal, Communications Officer & Spokesperson, Ankara
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 90.530.2827862
Faik Uyanık, Communications Coordinator, İstanbul
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 90.530.4992548