United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) signs a global cooperative and partnership agreement with Turkish Red Crescent Society
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) signs a global cooperative and partnership agreement with Turkish Red Crescent Society
The purpose of this agreement as described by Guterres and Akar is to strengthen the ongoing partnership between the TRC and the UNHCR. This partnership is based on their respective mandates and will build upon their expertise with a view to increase efficacy in the delivery of humanitarian services by dealing with different aspects of the requirements of affected populations. Through today’s signed agreement the parties are to expand their cooperation to a global level.
“Turkish Red Crescent’s cooperation with UNHCR has been strengthened in the course of the Syrian crisis” said Mr. Ahmet Lütfi Akar, the President of Turkish Red Crescent. “TRC and UNHCR jointly seek solutions in the global context, thus the Turkish Red Crescent is proud to be part of a cooperation that has international importance”, and added that the sustainability of the cooperation has vital importance for the beneficiaries.
UNHCR High Commissioner António Guterres is in Turkey as his first stop during his tour of the region to review the humanitarian situation with regard to the Syria emergency. The High Commissioner visited the coordination center in Gaziantep and also met with the refugees at Nizip camp yesterday. The High Commissioner is seeking to advance increased international support and solidarity for the refugees and the countries hosting the.
“The number of Syrians either registered as refugees or being assisted as such has reached the one million mark last week. This number translates into one million people who are dependent on the generosity of host countries, the response of humanitarian agencies and the financial support of governments and individuals,” said the UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres. “I would like to take this opportunity to express once again UNHCR’s appreciation to the Government of Turkey which has consistently and efficiently provided protection and shelter to Syrian refugees, where the number of registered and awaiting registration of both at camp and non-camp is over 250.000 now. Turkey has set a clear example of humanitarian leadership during an emergency”.
The unrest in Syria will reach the 2 year mark this week. The TRC and UNHCR have been working in close partnership and cooperation since the early days of the crises to provide humanitarian assistance to all those in need.
As a sign of solidarity and partnership, since August 2011 UNHCR has donated emergency relief items to the TRC including tents, blankets, kitchen sets and other critical needs. Additionally last December, UNHCR purchased 18,500 tents from the Turkish Red Crescent for USD 15,4 million taking the total to nearly 30 million USD to date in response to the humanitarian needs arising due to the Syrian emergency.
For more information:
Turkish Red Crescent
Contact Person: Mr. Erkan Aksu
Mobile: +90544-2185506
Telephone:+90312-4302300 ext:1092
E-mail [email protected]
Contact Person: Ms. Selin Ünal
Mobile: +90530-2827862
Telephone: +90312-4097065
E-mail: [email protected]